Monday 18 October 2010

What a weekend!

This weekend has been amazing. The girlfriend and myself went to Whipsnade zoo, which is a part of ZSL. We saw chimpanzees, deer, Asian elephants, Wolverines, Lions, Tigers, bears.. It was pretty much overwhelmingly exciting! 

We went to Longleats a few weeks ago, and we saw lots of female Lions, but they never had any male Lions, but at Whipsnade they did, it was very exciting. Due to the crappy weather though they were sleeping, and kinda hiding away. Whipsnade is amazing, I would recommend it to anyone it's an amazing day out!

The rest of the weekend was nice, my beautiful girlfriend took the Friday off, so we had an extra day this weekend, and we went shopping and had a nice day just chilling out, and laughing at my dick hole of a room mate!

We watched Paranormal Activity on Saturday night due to my girlfriend not being able to watch paranormal stuff, she was disappointed, and so was I. I can't get scared by horror movies, I have watched them all my life and am completely desensitized to the stuff. 

In her words "That was fucking shocking.." and she didn't mean it in a good way.

We got our two month free passes today to the cinema, and we thought we'd celebrate by seeing Vampires Suck. It's been a while since I seen a spoof movie, probably the last one I saw was Scary Movie 3, and by they were getting pretty tiresome. But, to be honest, I hated the Twilight movies, the whole stupid girl shit behind it.. Girls wanting Edwards, and Jacobs, and people loving vampires and wanting mysterious pale guys with weird families wanting to kiss them, and "read" them... So it was kinda refreshing to watch a spoof. 

The movie ducked between the first and the second movies, and I guess part of the third. Yes I have seen them, I like to watch movies, at least once, even if they're awful. It didn't seem to have much of a coherent pattern between the movies, and it dipped from the first, second and third with relative ease and humor. The only thing was, it was quite boring.. Some of the jokes and scenes were clearly taken from other movies.. One of the noteable scenes being, when Edward was in the girls room (forgot her name..), he said "Even just you breathing is enough for me.." *dramatic pause* "Girl farts..", *Edward falls out window*.. It was all stuff that was quite predictable, but still tickled the ribs a bit I guess.

At the end of the day, the movie was free. I can't complain, it was a chance for me and the girl to get out the house and enjoy some us time, in the company of noisy eaters, and people who clearly think Vampires Suck is the best thing since sliced bread.

On work related news, I find out soon if I have got a job I applied for within the company. It'd be great if I got it, it'd be more sensible hours, and much better for my stomach with my condition if I was to get it. It'd be a nice change as well. I've been driving buses for well over 4 years now, and I feel like I should be rewarded with something more easy going and suitable to my life style of doing nothing! Plus it'd be nice to have a fix start and finish time.

We'll see how it goes.

Take care!

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